Dedicate song lyrics Detras del escenario behind the stage by Otra Alternativa



 dedicated Detras del escenario behind the stage by Otra Alternativa and sent the following message:

Detrás del escenario

Todo lo que ves corresponde a algo esencial,
lo que escuchas pertenece a la verdad.

Títere dócil de manipular
negándose a pensar,
negándose a crear...

Manos ajenas ultrajando,
transformando la expresión en tu mirar
controlando tu conducta
como dueñas de tus sentimientos

Entretejiendo cada hebra
de la soga que rodeara tu cuello
marioneta obligada
a continuar maquillando
las miserias de un mundo
material y efímero
almas condicionadas
sordas mudas y ciegas
nadie oirá, nadie hablara,
nadie vera nada...

detrás del escenario
tragedia tras un telón,
detrás del escenario
comedia/drama, confusión?

donde esta la pasión?
donde quedo la imaginación?
por construir al reinventar sin obedecer, conspirar, idealizar,
?que esperas para cortar los hilos? Tus hilos.

Behind the stage
Taken from
Everything you see belongs to something special, what you hear belongs to the truth. Puppet so docile to manipulate, refusing to think, refusing to create.
Outrageous hands! transforming the expression in your sight controlling your conduct like they own your feelings, Knitting every fiber of the rope in your neck
Marionette forced to continue making up the misery of a material and ephemeral world
Conditioned souls, deaf, muted and blind, nobody will hear, nobody will speak, nobody will see anything behind the stage, tragedy after the curtain, behind the stage comedy/ drama, confusion
Where?s the passion? Where?s the imagination? To build when re-inventing, without obeying, conspiring, idealizing, what are you waiting to cut the threads your threads?

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