Song lyrics F Ckin' Up by Pearl Jam

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Lonely drifter on the hill. Why do I?
One must have a heart of steel. Why do I?
It's not how you look, but how you feel. Why do I?
You must have a heart of steel. Why do I?
Why do I keep fucking up?

I can see you on the hill. Why do I?
All comatose but walking still. Why do I?
Flowing curves beneath your flowing gown. Why do I?
Oh, only I can bring myself down. Why do I?
Why do I keep fuckin up?

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Bowman's pick and dogs that bite. Why do I?
Oh, dogs that howl through the night. Why do I?
Oh, broken leashes all over the floor. Why do I?
Keys left hanging in a swinging door. Why do I?
Why do I keep fucking up?

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