Song lyrics Fallin' Ditch by Captain Beefheart

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When I get lonesome the wind begin t' moan
When I trip fallin' ditch
Somebody wanna' throw the dirt right down
When I feel like dyin' the sun come out
'n stole m' fear 'n gone
Who's afraid of the spirit with the bluestferbones
Who's afraid of that fallin' ditch
Fallin' ditch ain't gonna get my bones
How's that for the spirit
How's that for the things
Ain't my fault the thing's gone wrong
When I'm smilin' my face wrinkles up real warm
When um frownin' things just turn t' stone
Fallin' ditch ain't gonna get my bones
When I get lonesome the wind begin t' moan
Fallin' ditch ain't gonna get my bones

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