Song lyrics downloaded from: ------------------------------------------ Behemoth - Lucifer ------------------------------------------ I love you! I love you more than Jesus! [Lucifer, The Prophecy] Jam ciemny jest w?ród wichrów p?omie? bo?y, Lec?cy z j?kiem w dal - jak g?uchy dzwon pó?nocy - Ja w mrokach gór zapalam czerwie? zorzy Iskr? mych bólów, gwiazd? mej bezmocy. Ja komet król - a duch si? we mnie wichrzy Jak py? pustyni w zwiewn? piramid? - Ja piorun burz - a od grobowca cichszy Mogi? swych kryj? trupio?? i ochyd?. Ja - otch?a? t?cz - a p?aka?bym nad sob? Jak zimny wiatr na zwi?d?ych stawu trzcinach - Jam blask wulkanów - a w b?otnych nizinach Id?, jak pogrzeb, z nud? i ?a?ob?. Na harfach morze gra - k??bi si? rajów po?oga - I s?o?ce - mój wróg s?o?ce! Wschodzi wielbi?c Boga. English Translation I am the dark, amongst the winds, divine flame with moan flying far away - like a silent midnight bell in the dark of the mountains I set the redness of aurora ablaze by the spark of my pains, by the star of my impotence I am the king of comets - but the spirit shreds in me like dust of the desert into an ethereal pyramid I am the thunderbolt of storms but silent more than a grave I hide the deadness and atrocity of my tombs I am the chasm of rainbows but I'd cry over myself like a cold wind on the withered reeds of the pond I am the glow of volcanoes but through the muddy plains I walk, like a funeral, with dulness and mourning The sea is playing harps, the fire of edens writhes and the sun -- my enemy sun! is rising, praising God