Song lyrics Moon baby by Godsmack

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Let´s take a blast to the moon baby
I sit around wishing you well
how I´m craving you, yeah!
Every time I´m near you
I always wanna swallow you down
I´ll be right here if ya´ need me
In my life, I´ll need you here, don´t ask why
I´ll never disappear
why is it everyday that I feel the pain?
Let´s take a trip to the stars far away
where were you when I was down?
Staring into the dead
my pain is caused by my pleasure
my soul mate lives in your body
I can´t get you out of my head
It never goes away
In my life I´ll need you here, don´t ask why
I´ll never disappear
In your eyes you can bid me farwell
but don´t ever try to understand the situation
why is it everyday that I feel the pain?
It always comes when I least expect it
when I´m looking for love
always seem to be regretting it
Why is it everyday that I feel the pain?

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