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King Diamond The Portrait
"My mother was obsessed by Evil jealousy
she didn't want nobody to even look at Molly
she kept me locked up in this attic 'till I died
only 4 years old, my story left untold"

Oh Molly...Oh Molly

"Mother was struck by this infallible idea
if she could paint my portrait I would remain immortal
and I could hang downstairs above the fireplace
a little girl in lace, not a single trace of crime"

"Each day and night she worked and Autumn turned to Spring
for every stroke she painted a little life was ended
at last I felt so weak I could not even speak
but in that Fatal Portrait my spirit came to life again"

Oh Molly

"That night I made The Portrait speak in evil tongue:
You're gonna go beyond too, may pain and death bestow you
she grabbed a book and spoke aloud an ancient rhyme
while she burned The Portrait in The Candle of fate"

Oh Molly

"I've gotta see Ma"