Song lyrics Shit in a bag by Static X

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Get to get it out of me
I feel it
I feel let down
Lay it out in front of me
I feel it
I feel it now
Tie it up tie it up
And throw it
Throw it out

Tie me up
I'm cursing I'm searching
Tie me down
I'm giving up
Tie me up
I'm losing I'm drowning
Tie me down
In my shit

I'm cursing I'm searching
I'm giving up hoping
I'm losing I'm drowning
In my shit I'm floating
It's after it's never
It's too late for reason
It's now or it's never
It's over it's pouring out
Taken from
Tie me up
I'm cursing I'm searching
Tie me down
I'm giving up
Tie me up
I'm losing I'm drowning
Tie me down
In my shit
It's after it's never
Tie me down
It's too late
Tie me up
It's now or it's never
Tie me down
It's pouring out

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