Song lyrics Suicide Machine by Pain

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I never do it for nothing
It's never been for free
I never cared about nothing
Unless it satisfied me

My only game is surviving
And try to stay alive
I'm struggling in the underworld
That suffocates my life

Suicide Machine - locked up in this cage
Suicide Machine - I don't understand

They tried to shut me up
They tried to shut me down
They tried to throw me away
I'll never give it up
I'm never gonna stop
I will fight to the end

I'll stand tall, I'll break bones
I'll give them hell
No - I'm still here
You Better catch me dead

You have always tried to crush and break me down
But I will never ever give up without a fight
I am the man - it will always be me
Dreaming of a life in peace, but it was never meant for me
Taken from
Suicide Machine

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