Song lyrics You agree ty soglasna by T A T U

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You're afraid of darkness
But you can't sleep with the light
You agree to sleep with anyone
Who answers
You dream about love
But you're the one who dreams dangerously
You agree to sleep with anyone

You agree...
You agree
You agree...
You agree

It's a most terrible fear
The silence is awful
You agree till morning
You agree
You're not the bloodhound who'll rescue me
You've decided against be rescued
You agree to do it all

You agree...
You agree
You agree...
You agree

And this is hard to understand
And it's impossible to help
And it begins again
An ordinary night
And I certainly don't tell lies
And you certainly don't tell lies
I'll never die
You'll never die
Taken from
You agree...
You agree
You agree...
You agree

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