Translation of Po' boy by Bob Dylan


Man came to the door, I say ´for whom were you lookin´?´
Says ´your wife´, I say ´she´s busy in the kitchen cookin´´
Po´ boy, where you been?
Already told you, won´t tell you again

I say ´how much you want for that, I´ll go into the store´
Man says ´three dollars´ ´all right´, I say, ´will you take four?´
Po´ boy, never say die
Things will be all right, by and by

Workin´ like in a main line, workin´ like the devil
The game is the same it´s just up on another level
Po´ boy, dressed in black
Police at your back

Po´ boy in a red hot town
Out beyond the twinklin´ stars
Ridin´ first class train
Makin´ the rounds
Try to keep from fallin´ between the cars

Othello told Desdemona "I´m cold, cover me with a blanket"
"By the way, what happened to that poisoned wine?"
She said "I gave it to you, you drank it"
Po´ boy, layin´ ´em straight
Pickin´ up the cherries fallin´ off the plate

Time and love has branded me with its claws
Had to go to Florida, dodgin´ them Georgia laws
Po´ boy in the hotel called the Palace of Bloom
Called down to room service, said ´send up a room

My mother was the daughter of a wealthy farmer
My father was a traveling salesman, I never met him
When my mother died my uncle took me in to run a funeral parlor
He did a lot of nice things for me and I won´t forget him

All I know is that I´m thrilled by your kiss
I don´t know any more than this
Po´ boy, pickin´ up sticks
Build you a house out of mortar and bricks

Knockin´ on the door, I say ´who is it, where you from?´
Man say ´Freddie´, I say ´Freddie who?´
He say ´Freddie or not, here I come´
Po´ boy ´neath the stars that shine
Washin´ them dishes, feedin´ them swine
Translate to:

Man came to the door, I say ´for whom were you lookin´?´
Says ´your wife´, I say ´she´s busy in the kitchen cookin´´
Po´ boy, where you been?
Already told you, won´t tell you again

I say ´how much you want for that, I´ll go into the store´
Man says ´three dollars´ ´all right´, I say, ´will you take four?´
Po´ boy, never say die
Things will be all right, by and by

Workin´ like in a main line, workin´ like the devil
The game is the same it´s just up on another level
Po´ boy, dressed in black
Police at your back

Po´ boy in a red hot town
Out beyond the twinklin´ stars
Ridin´ first class train
Makin´ the rounds
Try to keep from fallin´ between the cars

Othello told Desdemona "I´m cold, cover me with a blanket"
"By the way, what happened to that poisoned wine?"
She said "I gave it to you, you drank it"
Po´ boy, layin´ ´em straight
Pickin´ up the cherries fallin´ off the plate

Time and love has branded me with its claws
Had to go to Florida, dodgin´ them Georgia laws
Po´ boy in the hotel called the Palace of Bloom
Called down to room service, said ´send up a room

My mother was the daughter of a wealthy farmer
My father was a traveling salesman, I never met him
When my mother died my uncle took me in to run a funeral parlor
He did a lot of nice things for me and I won´t forget him

All I know is that I´m thrilled by your kiss
I don´t know any more than this
Po´ boy, pickin´ up sticks
Build you a house out of mortar and bricks

Knockin´ on the door, I say ´who is it, where you from?´
Man say ´Freddie´, I say ´Freddie who?´
He say ´Freddie or not, here I come´
Po´ boy ´neath the stars that shine
Washin´ them dishes, feedin´ them swine