Translation of White Chalk by Pj Harvey


White chalk hills are all I've known
White chalk hills will rot my bones
White chalk sticking to my shoes
White chalk playing as a child with you

White chalk stands against time
White chalk cutting down the sea at night
I walk the valleys by the surf
On a path cut fifteen hundred years ago

And I know
These chalk hills will rot my bones

Dorset's cliffs meet at the sea
Where I walked our unborn child in me
White chalk poor scattered land

Scratched my palms
There's blood on my hands.
Translate to:

White chalk hills are all I've known
White chalk hills will rot my bones
White chalk sticking to my shoes
White chalk playing as a child with you

White chalk stands against time
White chalk cutting down the sea at night
I walk the valleys by the surf
On a path cut fifteen hundred years ago

And I know
These chalk hills will rot my bones

Dorset's cliffs meet at the sea
Where I walked our unborn child in me
White chalk poor scattered land

Scratched my palms
There's blood on my hands.