Song lyrics Far Too Hard by Dead Or Alive

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Hey there, take a look at me
No I couldn't look no better, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh.
Oh I am a young man
Fascinated with the profile in my mirror
And that's a dangerous direction
Never ever make it with your own reflection
And I would like to apologize
But no I don't.
That would be far too hard.
It is far too hard.

Oh, it is me that holds my steering wheel
For me I have a strange appeal
And my mind's drowning on the rules I've made from self-love
And if I told you all the ways
That I have come right face to face
It would be far too hard
It is far too hard
Don't you don't you know?
Taken from
I am a young man
Fascinated with my profile in my mirror
and that's a dangerous direction
Men should never make it with their own reflection
And I would like to apologize
But no,no,no!
I would like to apologize
But no I won't
That would be far too hard

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