Song lyrics Madness by Alanis Morissette

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I´ve been most unwilling to see this turmoil of mine
The thought of sitting with this has me paralyzed

With this prolong exposure to mirror and averted eyes
I´ve feigned that I´ve been waiting: such mileage for empathizing

And now I see the maddness in me is brought out in the presence of you
And now I know the madness lives on, when you´re not in the room
And though I´d love to blame you for all, I´d miss these moments of opportune
You´ve simply brought this madness to light and I should thank you
Oh thank you, much thanks for this bird´s eye view
Oh thank you for your most generous triggers

It´s been all too easy to cross my arms and roll my eyes
The thought of dropping all arms leaves me terrified


I´d have to give up knowing and give up beaing right
You inadvertent hero, you angel in disguise


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