Song lyrics My Love (58) by Lionel Richie

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I've been through so many changes in my life woman
It's a wonder I ain't lost my mind
And I ain't never said how much I need you sugar
But I sho' need you by my side

( Chorus )

My love, just thinking about you baby
Just blows my mind
My love, just thinking about you baby
Just blows my mind all the time

Life with me I know for sure it ain't been easy
But you stayed with me anyway
And even though you ain't gonna lose too much by leaving
I'm so glad you stayed

( Repeat chorus )
Taken from
You've been my friend and you've been my lover, oh Lord
Honey you're everything I need
You've made my love so strong now I know where I belong
Oh girl you'll never have to worry
Oh baby any more, any more

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