Song lyrics I'm against it by Ramones

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Well Iīm against it
Iīm against it
Well Iīm against it
Iīm against it
I donīt like politics
I donīt like communists
I donīt like games and fun
I donīt like anyone
And Iīm against...
I donīt like Jesus freaks
I donīt like circus geeks
I donīt like summer and spring
I donīt like anything
I donīt like sex and drugs
I donīt like waterbugs
I donīt care about poverty
All I care about is me
And Iīm against...
I donīt like playing ping pong
I donīt like the Viet Cong
I donīt like Burger King
I donīt like anything
And Iīm against...
Well Iīm against it
Iīm against it

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